Note: in the event a customer states a transaction is unauthorized, a card is lost or stolen or not in possession, please hot card the debit card and instruct the customer how to receive a new card.
If unsure if a card needs to be hot carded, you may place it on a warm status and a representative can assist in clarifying the appropriate action. Please do not change a warm status to active or hot unless you speak with the Contact Center or Fraud team.
If the customer is questioning an Apple, Google, Amazon, or other similar subscription based charge, please ask them to check their recent transaction history within their account with that merchant. Include any information or findings within the details including if they have an account with that merchant or not.
A dispute representative will be contacting you shortly, they will assist you with gathering the required documentation to prove your claim.
If you do not hear from a dispute representative within 1 business day, please contact the phone number listed on the back of your debit card.
You are required to attempt to contact the merchant and work with them for a solution. You will need to get the name of the person you speak to, the method of contact, the merchant response, date attempted to contacted merchant and any documentation confirming your attempts, for example a copy of an email response or chat transcript if applicable.