Scavenger Hunt
First Name
Last Name
Verify all your accounts are displaying on your Accounts Overview screen.
Yes, my accounts are displaying.
No, I am missing some accounts.
Which accounts are missing?
Are your account nicknames displaying?
Yes, my account nicknames are displaying.
No, I am missing some account nicknames.
Ok, in that case go to Self Service, Account Maintenance and update your nickname(s).
Check your balances and transaction history. Pay close attention to transactions and make sure they are all listed. We’ve discovered we are missing some of our Tran Codes.
Yes, my balances and transaction history look correct.
No, I am missing some transactions.
Which transactions are you missing?
Click on the Documents button next to each of your accounts. Can you access your Electronic Statements?
Yes, I can access my Electronic Statements.
No, my Electronic Statements are not displaying.
Select one of your accounts and then click “Show Account Summary”. Is the information correct?
Yes, all information is correct.
No, I have some incorrect information.
What information is incorrect?
Click on Accounts, Documents, Delivery Settings. Are the settings correct?
Yes, all settings are correct.
No, I have some incorrect settings.
What settings are incorrect?
Do you have Scheduled Transfers?
Yes, I have Scheduled Transfers.
No, I have no Scheduled Transfers.
Great, now click on Move Money, Transfer and Scheduled. Are all scheduled transfers displayed, both internal and external?
Yes, all my Scheduled Transfers are displayed.
No, my Scheduled Transfers are not displayed.
Which Scheduled Transfers are missing?
Do you have external transfer accounts?
Yes, I have external transfer accounts.
No, I have no external transfer accounts.
Are your external transfer accounts showing under Move Money, Transfer, Manage Accounts?
Which transfer accounts are missing?
Do you have loans with SFB?
Yes, I have loans with SFB.
No, I do not have loans with SFB.
Are you able to make a payment? To make a payment, go to Move Money, Loan Payment, Make Payment and verify all Transfer From accounts and Transfer To loans are listed.
Yes, I can make a payment and all accounts are listed.
No, I cannot make a payment.
Which accounts or loans are missing?
Are you enrolled in Bill Pay?
Yes, I am enrolled in Bill Pay.
No, I am not enrolled in Bill Pay.
Go to Move Money, Bill Pay and verify all payees are listed and your scheduled payments are listed under Activity in the right column.
Yes, all my payees and scheduled payments are correct.
No, some or all of my payees and scheduled payments are incorrect.
Which payees or scheduled payments are missing?
Under Self Service, Self-Administration, Personal Preferences, are the email address and phone numbers listed, correct?
Yes, the email address and phone number listed are correct.
No, there's an error with the email address or phone number.
What is incorrect?
Are you enrolled in Mobile Banking or Text Banking?
Yes, I am enrolled in Mobile Banking or Text Banking.
No, I am not enrolled in Mobile Banking or Text Banking.
Go to Self Service, Self Administration and Mobile Banking. Is your Mobile Phone number listed?
Under Self Service, Alerts, select each of your accounts and verify that the alerts you were enrolled in are still active.
Yes, all my alerts are listed.
No, some or all of my alerts are not listed.
Which alerts are missing?
Under Self Service, Secure Messaging, Incoming. What does the message we sent to you say?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.