Include the address in the subject or details box.
Reminder: Teller Equipment is used for equipment installed by vendors such as drive up drawers, cash drawers, drive up microphones. Tickets for equipment such as teller scanners, computers, etc need to be opened under Hardware.
Include the following information. Date: Time: Camera(s): Description: Who to send to:
In the box below provide the following: Name and Number of Lock Smith: Cost of the Lock Smith: SDB Number: Reason for Drill:
In the box below provide the following: Customer Name: SDB Number: Reason for Drill:
In the box below provide the following: Per Item Limit: Daily Limit: Name of Approving Officer:
In the box below provide the following: Amount of Transaction: Name of Approving Officer: Note: Transactions cannot exceed $2,000 per transaction up to $4,000 per day.