Make the switch in 4 easy steps!
Changing banks can seem like a daunting task. That's why Security First Bank has put together a simple and easy process for making the switch. Need personal assistance? Stop by your local branch and a representative will be glad to help you.
- Open your new Security First Bank account. Open your account in person at any Security First Bank location.
- Change/update your direct deposits. Fill out the Authorization to Change Direct Deposit form and return to your payroll department or any other entity that makes direct deposits into your account. This form directs them to change your direct deposit from your previous financial institution to your new account at Security First Bank.
- Change any automatic payments and withdrawals. This includes insurance, credit cards, cable, utilities and loans. Most of these automatic payments can be changed online or by phone. If online or phone option is unavailable, please use our Authorization to Change Automatic Payment form.
- Close your old account. Confirm that all outstanding checks have cleared your old account and verify that your direct deposits have been redirected to your new account. Once all your transactions have been confirmed, you are ready to fill out the Authorization to Close Account form and send to your former bank. If you have any questions, we will be happy to assist you with completing and sending this form.